Dacalbo final Workshop and Symposium ‘Greek alchemy: From the late Antiquity to the early Modernity’

Dacalbo final Workshop and Symposium ‘Greek alchemy: From the late Antiquity to the early Modernity’
Athens, NHRF, 25-27 June 2015.
At the Workshop the following themes will be discussed:
- the catalogue of Greek alchemical manuscripts and the inventory of manuscripts containing Greek texts that are relevant to alchemy,
- the relationships between alchemy and natural philosophy in Byzantine times, and the mutations of alchemy and the development of ‘chymistry’ in the post-Byzantine era,
- the educational applications of the historical material and on the reproduction of alchemical procedures.
The Workshop will be followed by the Symposium, ‘Greek alchemy: From the late Antiquity to the early Modernity’
Invited speakers:
Constantin Canavas, Faculty of Life Sciences, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Gabriele Ferrario, Genizah Research Unit / Clare Hall College – University of Cambridge
Remi Franckowiak, Lille 1 University
Robert Halleux, CHST, Univerité de Liège
Didier Kahn, CNRS, Cellf 16e-18e
Mateo Martelli, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Gerasimos Merianos, Institute of Historical Research / National Hellenic Research Foundation
Sébastien Moureau, F.R.S.-FNRS / University of Louvain
Maria Papathanassiou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Lawrence Principe, Johns Hopkins University
Jennifer Rampling, Princeton University
Alain Touwaide, Institute for the Preservation of Medical Traditions
Christina Viano, CNRS, Paris
Geneviève Xhayet, CHST Université de Liège